The Safety Bubble
By Maria Fontaine
Our heavenly father offers us incredible security and peace from the evils of this world. Through His divine care and intervention, we can live in a bubble of protection from the bad things that go on around us and that could also happen to us if He wasn't constantly keeping them at bay.
God can protect us from anything, but only when we give Him our cooperation. We do that by staying close to Him in spirit—by loving Him and doing our best to live by the principles He's laid out in His Word—and by taking the necessary physical precautions. When we do those things, we have nothing to fear and can count on Him to deliver us from harm.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). Greater is He who is in us than anything this world can throw at us (1 John 4:4). His love in our hearts will cast out any fearful thoughts or worries, because His Spirit will fill us with power, love, and a sound mind (1 John 4:18; 2 Timothy 1:7). We are surrounded and sheltered by Him and His angelic forces (Psalm 34:7; 91:11). We don't have to fear anything the devil or bad people can try to do to us, because our great protector has promised that not a hair of our head can be touched without His permission (Matthew 10:29-31). We can rely on Him to fulfill all of those promises and more, and through faith in them we can have peace of mind, regardless of the circumstances around us.
We can have peace of mind, regardless of the circumstances around us
Sometimes, for one reason or more reasons, He lets something get through that bubble of protection, but even then "all things work together for good to those who love God" (Romans 8:28). When those seemingly bad things happen, there is usually a lesson for us, and often it is that we need to be more prayerful and more vigilant in the physical realm. If we've never experienced a robbery or a break-in or a mugging or some other frightening or life-threatening situation, it's hard to imagine it happening to us, and that can lead to a false sense of security, which is dangerous.
People do desperate things when they're at the end of their rope, and there are also people whose hearts are very evil. We live in dangerous times, but as long as we do our part, we can count on His unfailing counsel, forewarning, protection, and care. We are blessed!

We don't have to fear anything the devil or bad people can try to do to us, because our great protector has promised that not a hair of our head can be touched without His permission.